Artemisia judaica
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Compositae
Group: Angiosperms
Synonymous names: Artemisia judaica

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Plant - Therapeutic use associations

Indian medicinal plantPlant partTherapeutic useTherapeutic use identifiersReferences
Artemisia judaicaAnthelminticsMESH:D000871, UMLS:C0003158, ICD-11:XM4EC0Compendium of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Volume 1 Africa
Artemisia judaicaInsect repellentsMESH:D007302, UMLS:C0021572Compendium of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Volume 1 Africa
Artemisia judaicaParasympatholyticsMESH:D010276, UMLS:C0030511, ICD-11:XM3A77Compendium of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Volume 1 Africa